The Grey Chronicles


The Travian Romans Are Attacking! Part X

Roman LegionnaireWhen I logged off from my account in COM10, the trial server for Travian v.3.6, I also had created additional attack troops to prepare for today’s offensive. While still waiting for the completion of my research on Equites Legati, I might as well wage some raids on my farms.

Prior to doing that, I visited the Alliance Forum and post some tutorial for beginners. Most of these were summarized from the Travian Forum itself. I hoped that if these were also available in the Forum, Alliance members—especially newbies— might be encouraged read the full article in the Travian Forum. Most of the knowledge I impart to beginners were tested by myself on different Servers mostly hosted in the Philippines. I never consider myself an expert in Travian, although I have been playing this game for sometime now, but if these pointers helped me then it could surely help some of my Alliance comrades.

COM10 Attack Logs: 20 - 30 November 2009

The figure shows the graphical Attack Logs of my Village from 20 to 30 November. The panel above shows the relationship of Loot Efficiency versus the number of Attacking Troops from my Village and those defending the attacked Village. The panel below shows the stack of loot per resource type taken from the Defenders’s Village.

The first raid for this day was against my usual Teutonic farm. The attack looted 58 Wood (wood), 58 Clay (clay), 58 Iron (iron) but still NO Crop (crop), the scarce resource in my own Village. I had to offer offer my excess production of Clay (clay) or Iron (iron) to the Marketplace for Crop (crops), else upgrading installations and creating additional troops would halt temporarily.

The second raid produced similar result to my previous offensive yesterday to another Teutonic village. Nothing! Then I raided a Roman Village faraway from my home base that it took hours for my raiding party to reach and come back. Unfortunately, no loot was gained. I have enough. Better to upgrade the resource fields rather than attacking Villages without much gain.

I was longing for a tool that could at least show me those Inactive Villages which I could farm. I do not use scripts or bots to play the Game because that would be tantamount to cheating. I have not even touched my free 20 Travian Gold for the sake of upgrading installations. I am reserving that Gold when I do have a second Village. Anyway, why spend it when my Village is not yet hemorrhaging on my self-imposed no-upgrade without the four Crannies at level 10! Personally, I believe that to enjoy the game, one need not be on top because of some Travian Gold advantage. Travian is a game requiring skills, and those without the patience and the commensurate strategy might spend lots of sums of money just to enjoy the game!

Recalling my Signature quote: More often than not, the best things in life are not for free! Travian is essentially not one of the best things in my REAL life, but rather only a game to enjoy. Some players, however, especially those that I have encountered in the Philippine servers, seem to forget this simple fact. It is a Virtual Life, not REAL!

Games are especially fun if one does not spend too much REAL currency!


All resource icons taken from Travian help files.

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